Why are most posts just pictures with research?

The reason for this is because it's easier to share and store images, they can serve as convenient reminders and they are much more brief.

I do sometimes post articles, but I previously had an Instagram account where articles weren't supported.

You can save a picture with information easily on your device so you may reference to it anytime: online or offline. On a personal note, I have a gallery on my phone with all the infographics I need that's handy on the go! You can also store your images on a drive or cloud backup so they won't get deleted or corrupted.

Articles tend to be long and have a lot of information you might not need, so choosing what you want to refer to is very helpful. The posts I publish are meant to be almost little guides for daily life so it is easier to include natural changes every day. This is also a reason why images come in handy!

Sharing pictures is more convenient for some as there are no annoying links (usually you can upload images or they will have a preview thumbnail) and it is also good for social media sites.

Also, this website is intended for all ages. Infographics are often better choices for children, those with sight impairments or just for those who simply feel they want images for whatever reason. ;)

I include research, studies and proof (sources too, if available) so that you can verify that the information is true and reliable for yourself. Sometimes, you can't fully trust the claims. If you share pictures alone, people might not believe them entirely. The links are there to expand your knowledge, to help you fact-check and also as proof for anyone who would be interested / doubtful.

If you choose to bookmark these pages too then the links serve as helpful guides for future reference and again as evidence that they are reliable.

However, if you feel that some links are to exactly up to your standards or that you still cannot fully trust them, then feel free to do your own research. My top tip is don't believe everything you read, even from me! There's nothing better than a good-old investigation to answer your questions. I strongly advise you do, as it is more educating to find out facts for yourself and this can also help me guide people to more accurate information. You may even do your own experiments or studies.

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